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No matter what size your outdoor space is you can attract wildlife like native birds into your home with a wide range of feeds and accessories at Petstop.

When it comes to feeders and bird table’s you’ll find something to suit every budget in-store. Hanging feed bars are a cost effective way to test out different seed mixes and gage which seeds your garden birds are seeking. You can invest in a huge assortment of seeds & nuts including best loved brands like Johnsons, Versele-Laga  & Wildly Tasty.

A free standing bird feeding table is one of the best ways to cater for your feathered friends this winter. Natura have some great designs available like this 54cm stand at just €109. If you don’t have space for a bird table then check out some of Petstops inspired bird feeders that come in a variety of shapes & sizes depending on what birds you are aiming to attract.

By adding some inviting touches to your outdoor space you will quickly grab the attention of passing birds. Stick to a regular routine of feeding for the best chance to enjoy returning guests.

Chat with Petstop’s experts in-store for great advice on how to make your outdoor space more wildlife friendly during the winter months.

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